M&S Cheshire Oaks Store - Waste

We’re proud to say that throughout the Cheshire Oaks building project we sent zero waste to landfill with 87.5% of all waste segregated on site. Responsible management of resources and a tight…

Cheshire Oaks Store - Energy

M&S is the world’s first carbon neutral major retailer, and our Cheshire Oaks store is our most carbon efficient major store. In its first year Cheshire Oaks was 42% more energy efficient,…

M&S Cheshire Oaks Store - Biodiversity

How we design, procure and build our stores has a direct impact on the environment and its fragile ecosystems. As a responsible retailer, we recognise that we must protect and where possible…

Cheshire Oaks Store

Opened in August 2012, M&S Cheshire Oaks is our multiple award winning, biggest greenest store. It’s designed to be the most carbon efficient, premier M&S store to date with an…

Cheshire Oaks Store - Community

Creating good relationships with the local community was an integral part of the M&S Cheshire Oaks build process. We built these relationships in many ways – from creating new jobs in the area…

Cheshire Oaks Store - Materials

All the materials used in the building of our Cheshire Oaks store were carefully selected to reduce energy consumption and environmental impact, the majority came from renewable sources and even…
